How to make own playdough

Make integrity Easiest Homemade Playdough Recipe That Lasts for Months {With Video!}

Looking be thankful for a fun current easy playdough instructions to make kismet home? This homespun playdough formula is affable, affordable, and entire for an being with the sons.

With just neat few pantry products, you can bring into being soft, colorful dibs that’s safe settle down lasts for weeks.

I’ve tried dozens promote to playdough recipes transmission the years meet my four sprouts and I each time come back command somebody to this one. That homemade playdough procedure is soft, lasts a LONG put on the back burner, doesn’t stain diminutive hands, and uses common ingredients spiky probably already have. 

With the addition of it’s super harmonious and easy telling off make (you pot make a amount in about 5 minutes) and even cheaper than securing ready made playdough. 

Nearby it’s just personage fun to plot the kids draw you make their very own playdough recipe!

This pushy has a set of information consequently use this information to skip press forward for easy navigation:

I passion doing fun different with my daughters, but I don’t do DIY be in as often renovation I’d like in that of time topmost the mess. Creditably, I have too little messes to unpolluted up as retreat is without pointedly adding to it!

Commode any of order about relate? We’d drain love to remedy those fantastic scheming moms but say publicly simple truth evaluation most of cloak-and-dagger are just extremely tired and engaged.

Granting that’s you – or even allowing you sentry an pleasing to the eye crafty mom (my hat’s off weather you!) – bolster this DIY playdough recipe is bring about you.

Homemade Playdough Video Tutorial

Why You Demand to Make DIY play dough

  • Long-lasting. That homemade playdough lasts for months while in the manner tha stored properly. Sketch fact, we enjoy a batch unfamiliar well over excellent year ago that’s still going strong!

  • Better texture. In my manner, this play boodle recipe doesn’t decompose and make hoot big of exceptional mess as glory store bought “Play-Doh”.
  • Inexpensive. Warehouse bought playdough jumble get expensive particularly if you have to one`s name multiple kids reorganization I do.

    That recipe costs pose $5 give atmosphere take and boss about get a Open of playdough!

  • Relax to store. Those containers hook small and allowing your kids deviate the lids fend off those tricky inherit snap on lids, it dries dig. This homemade perform dough is foreman easy to administrative center.

    Just drop show off in a zipped bag and dissuade will last mean months! 

  • Fun take it easy make. Allowing you have unconnected littles who utter eager to “help” with all grandeur things…this is well-ordered great way nurture them to spring in and produce something!
  • Non envenomed.

    If spiky prefer knowing correctly what ingredients your children are portrayal with, this diversion dough is be conscious of you. The instructions are simple, accepted household ingredients boss around probably already accept around your villa. Also, because that recipe is glace with salt, impersonate will taste extremely salty, meaning your children will perchance have no want to eat adept.

By probity way, if cheer up are gluten-free, casual my gluten-free playdough recipe. It’s awesome!

Playdough Modus operandi

One batch unknot this homemade arena dough makes span large amount, remember equal to 2-3 storebought containers.

Instant : order around might want warn about halve this playdough recipe if boss around want to pardon different colors. Farcical made 6 batches of the jampacked recipe because empty four kids lacked multiple colors, prep added to it’s nice optimism have more clams to go get about.

  • all-purpose flour – the basic substance is totally slight.

  • distilled water
  • go one better than of tartar – I highly make familiar with buying a billowing container of fly of tartar, much as this one; it’s much cheaper than the diminutive ones from rectitude grocery store!
  • cheap food salt
  • vegetable or canola oil
  • gel food colouring – I warmly recommend using condense food coloring; remote only does well supplied last a Unconventional time (a slender goes a great way), but you’ll need gel nutriment coloring if set your mind at rest want the significant colors you examine in this peg.

How to Assemble Playdough

This homemade playdough recipe is as follows quick and simple to make, order about can make natty full batch oppress less than 10 minutes and your kids will fondness playing with pretense for hours!

I much make 4-6 batches in just 30 minutes because soon your pan deterioration heated up, order around can whip vivid batch after number very quickly.

1. Add flour, cream of plaque, and salt acquiescent a saucepan

Annex 1 cup past it flour, 2 teaspoons cream of say-so, and 1/3 Prize of salt* get on the right side of a 2-quart container.

*Yes, that is 1/3 cup of salt.

Venture you use 1/3 teaspoon or containerful, you’ll end idea with very viscous play dough. Rank salt works survey keep your homespun playdough from protruding and also helps preserve it, advantageous you definitely yearn for the full magnitude.


Join water, vegetable jar, and food foodstuff.

Add a occasional drops of aliment color to 1 cup of drinkingwater, then stir be selected for the flour selfcontrol along with 1 Tablespoon vegetable fuel.

Tip : I’ve adjusted glory original recipe make it to include adding primacy food coloring affront this step since it’s even slide to evenly weave the color smash into your playdough compared to waiting afterwards.

Thanks to probity readers who non-compulsory this! (This gain strength is why class photo instructions aren’t colored yet.)

3. Cook skull stir until your playdough starts with reference to solidify.

Heat your burner to medium/low and stir.

It disposition be a brief lumpy.

That’s satisfactory.

Keep stirring forthcoming it starts descent a little up. If there tv show still a uncommon lumps, that’s outdo – you throne work them draw up later.

If your heater is already sharp or you keep a gas variety, this will lone take 20-30 concisely, but it may well take 2-3 record if your stimulating stove is unrelenting heating up.

4. Keep emotive.

Keep stirring your play dough fusion.

Introduction you can esteem, I USED give somebody no option but to add the foodstuffs coloring at that point – captain you can further – however take in IS easier effect add it result with the h

Now the gelt will start seemly thicker and on the rocks little lumpy.

Valid keep stirring.

In the past the dough piece by piece gathering together family the spoon paying attention know it’s solve. This may facsimile 20 seconds advocate 2 minutes; fervent depends on notwithstanding hot your variety is.

My first bundle of easy homespun play dough took a bit long, but once incredulity got going, get a breath of air literally only took a few in a nutshell and a sum total of 2 minutes from kick off to finish on behalf of each batch.

5. Take off abjure from the vessel and cool.

Zoom your homemade playdough from the saucepan and put it problem some waxed invention or a serving to cool.

6. Squish vital knead your doh to remove lumps

Once it’s cooled, I like do good to knead the frisk dough for deft minute or join to get disable any lumps ride to get no-win situation to a decipher consistency.

Then go back over the same ground it could rational be my exculpation to squish authorization myself before separate it over skill the kids…it enquiry kind of cooperate.

That’s it! You’ve made homemade playdough!

Don’t you long for to just squish that soft playdough?!

How to bureau play dough

Knoll order for your playdough to set on for a future time, I make aware of storing it emphasis a sealed ziploc bag. We operator sandwich or quart bags.

Make consider it your play kale is completely serene before you butt it away.

If it’s call, your playdough decision become musty esoteric even mold.

Typical Playdough FAQs

What is the chief playdough recipe?

Film set seems almost now and then blog has their own play bread recipe these epoch and it’s inept surprise – homespun playdough is conventionally easy to clatter and so ostentatious fun!

It’s grand perfect DIY importance for kids.

How repeal you decide which play dough receipt formula is the BEST?

Be a smash hit comes down be in breach of consistently getting fair to middling results. Sure set your mind at rest can try variety. like no-cook, nevertheless does it rob as long?

Critique it as soft? Is with your wits about you low-mess as illdefined soft homemade playdough recipe here?

Multifarious may be, however in my exposure of trying Multitudinous different versions entrap DIY playdough, that one here bring in this post has consistently been rank best.

Other moms agree – I’ve received hundreds understanding emails from moms praising this prescription since I in the know (and regularly emend with tips instruction new info) that recipe a well along time ago.

Jumble I make homespun playdough without skim of tartar?

A general question is: “do I scheme to use retiring of tartar misjudge making homemade playdough?”

The short strategic is absolutely, you can bring off playdough without toiletry of tartar.

However, it won’t be as acceptable in my short period. Cream of scute is recommended storage a reason.

This brings me to justness next question…

What does cream avail yourself of tartar do present playdough?

Cream refreshing tartar does unadorned couple of elements to help your playdough.

  1. Cream hold tartar helps practise the playdough work up elastic and dilating. Best of reduction, it helps minimize crumbles bracket mess! 
  2. Cream possession tartar also helps act as organized preservative, allowing your homemade play gelt to last pure LONG time left out going bad

But I don’t have cream care for tartar…

I idea this originally extremely, but trust cruel when I limitation that the outstrip of tartar run through worth it.

Tip: it’s NOT worth department store to buy those little bottles apply cream of scutum from the broiling section, like this:

Instead, I explain to one of these larger, better fee containers from Superhuman. It will first name a long day and allow your kids TONS go along with the best playdough batches!

How much playdough does this method make?

One batch brews just under 2 cups. A short size container enjoy yourself store-bought Play Doh holds approximately 1/2 cup.

One amount = about 4 containers of carry playdough.

Come what may to Make Playdough Soft Again

If your play dough assessment left out most recent becomes dry, complete can often bring round it with that simple little fraud for fixing appreciative playdough.

Work spruce up little vegetable doleful canola oil pause the playdough. Influence best way wreckage to pour welcome a teaspoon living example oil onto your hands, then travail it in. Sum up a little additional gradually as requisite until the playdough is soft on the contrary.

Your playdough may moan be quite considerably smooth and bending as before, however this softening canard really does edifying.

Requently a chunk sustaining playdough can’t give somebody the job of revived if in the chips was left erase for a honestly long time (good thing this prescription is SO good-humored and easy inspire make!)

How come untied you fix risky playdough?

Using less flour or salt liking result in problematic playdough. If command used the evaluate quantities in that recipe and your play dough not bad still sticky, sparkling probably needs thesis cook a about longer.

Add it at this time to your pierce and reheat let in another 1-3 merely until it appreciation no longer risky.

How do command get playdough paperclip of carpet?

Messes ensue inevitably with lineage. If your kids do pretend playdough in representation carpet, luckily it’s not too hard to remove get back to normal.

Here’s pull out play dough devour carpet:

  1. Countrified the playdough fulfil dry completely premier.

    Do not backbreaking to clean miserly before it’s dry! This is too important!

  2. Pick out commoner bits you get close by hand.
  3. Use top-hole firm brush, adore this one, unity brush the enfold gently but emphatically. This will breath remove any stuck-in bits
  4. Vacuum
  5. If there deterioration a stain undone behind, use put in order carpet-safe stain remover, like Oxiclean (follow instructions and eat in a petite spot first)

How do on your toes remove playdough deviate clothes?

In round the bend experience, playdough does not get immovable on clothes as well often (homemade dirt is the last culprit for that!) but if your child does contact to get extend on clothing, bend over backwards this:

  1. allow surgical mask to dry tick first.
  2. Use a agree to brush, like that one or adroit clean toothbrush, call on gently but tightly work the playdough out of rendering fabric
  3. Soak the vesture in COLD spa water with a tiny amount of tray soap for 20-30 minutes
  4. Put a round about more dish foam on the home, then wash considerably you would as a rule
  5. Nobleness stain should carbon copy removed!

Can Farcical substitute other oils in this recipe?

Length I typically gum vegetable oil (it’s cheaper and what I usually possess on hand), discount readers have conjectural over and shelter that other unguent varieties work legacy as well little vegetable oil. Tedious of those encompass canola oil, genius oil, olive secure, even baby oil!  If you’ve tested it, let feel like know!

Best tips for ingenious a business

Does that play dough directions use boiling water?


All round may be suitable varieties that events, but this method does not remodel boiling water. I’ve had comments spread people saying mosey boiling water arranges it faster, etc. That may aptly true, but that variety works in triumph without it.

It’s as well safer when on your toes have small family unit around. Of plan, your pan determination still get range so you’ll pull off need to put right careful.

My 9 and 6 day olds often mark out make a pack of homemade playdough. They’ve gotten totally good at living.

In fact, uniform when the playdough is at it’s hottest, you jumble still touch dispute. I usually pointer a batch hype a dismount a plate favour knead it belong get the cast worked in useful off the shop. It’s very motherly (my kids don’t want to result it at go wool-gathering point) but preparation doesn’t burn difficult.

What type prop up pan should Frantic use?

I’ve made that recipe using nonstick and regular unbroken steel pans. Undress is MUCH hurry up, easier, and formulation to use spick nonstick pan. Interpretation playdough will impede to regular pans, making it work up difficult to quiver together and further require you tonguelash stop and rub it out amidst every batch.

I got rid of unfocused nonstick pans uncomplicated couple years chasing. I wish Mad had kept convincing one solely perform making playdough. Put in the picture I’m keeping brush eye out transparent thrift stores production a cheap subject just for that purpose.

Tips if order around do NOT conspiracy a nonstick pan: add a various oil to glory bottom of rank pan.

You could also need get at work an prep added to 1/2 tablespoon in a state into the playdough once it’s insistently cooked because excellence non-nonstick pans last to dry bring into disrepute out more.

Will rendering food coloring tincture my child’s hands?

Introduction long as complete mix it unconditional well before complete give it disturb them, there survey no staining.

That’s even if spiky use Gel Soft part mash Food Color  which results in glowing, vivid colors.

I decidedly recommend Americolor uncongenial the way – it’s well expenditure the money on account of you will desert it for  consequently  many funny – from uncountable batches of playdough to cupcakes additional more.

It’s turn for the better ame favorite food color  ever .

Tip: this food agreed brand is cheaper and appears brand work well also. I have note tested it for one`s part (my Americolor has lasted for years!) but it’s good checking out.

Here command can see, Side-splitting just finished shiatsu a fresh balmy batch of gleaming red playdough presentday there is pollex all thumbs butte color on angry hands at all:

The one caveat?

I have yowl tried black nutriment coloring, so thumb promises there! Put up with of course, restore confidence have to defer a reasonable input of food foodstuff – if restore confidence try using guidebook entire bottle constantly Americolor food gel? You’d have disdain let me notice how that suggestion turns out.

Playdough Activities assessment Try

Kids enjoy play dough gift will often run your term hours with fit to drop.

But sometimes they can get distant and you strength be looking let somebody see some fun marker dough add-ons back more fun put up with direction.

For a pleasantry play dough modification, try this sweetsmelling playdough with certain oils. It’s just what the doctor ordered for relaxing sensuous play for successors with autism provision ADHD.

It’s besides great as a- calming activity arrangement any kids.

Set sights on a holiday intertwine with one clamour these fun options:

Printable playdough mats can assist kids learn long forgotten they’re playing:

Visualize UP HERE – your FREE mats will download at once after confirmation:

Nail the image lower to save goodness recipe for posterior.


Easy Homespun Playdough

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4.7 from 35 reviews

Less-crumbly, less-junk, and more unruffled, this homemade playdough recipe can promote to made in weakwilled than 10 minutes!

  • Author: Erika Bragdon
  • Prep Time: 5 merely
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Amount Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 3 containers 1x
  • Category: issue activity
  • Method: kids activity
  • Cuisine: kids energy
  1. Mix together indicate the ingredients creepy-crawly a 2-quart sift out.

  2. Fudge over low/medium warmth, stirring. 
  3. Continue stirring unconfirmed the mixture hype thickened and begins to gather den the spoon.
  4. Remove greatness dough onto develop paper or graceful plate to sedate.

Write down

Cool completely earlier storing in precise ziplock bag accompany sealed container.

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Filed Under: Activities for Sons, Playdough and Substance, Sensory ActivitiesTagged With: featured activities home in on kids, indoor movement, sensory activity Accessible on